Circle Packing Study
Crafting an image involves major pillars:
Form = Layout (macro) + Detail and Texture (micro)
This essay is a collection of my notes from studying the circle packing algorithm as a grid for arranging objects in an image.
Circle Packing Algorithm Overview
My introduction to circle packing came from a tutorial by generative artistry:
Circle packing is a simple algorithm that is good for teaching generative art. Briefly, the circle packing algorithm tries to place as many circles as possible in a space as possible without overlapping the circles. Reference Figure 1 for a circle packing example.
The pseudocode for circle packing looks something like this:
The following inputs are specified:
Boundaries of the image/space
Maximum number of circles to pack in the space
Smallest and largest diameter circle that are allowed
Pick a random point within the image to be the midpoint of a circle.
Check if that point is inside any existing circles.
If the attempted midpoint is inside an existing circle, try a new midpoint.
Find the largest diameter possible for the circle without colliding into another existing circle.
Repeat until the maximum number of circles has been generated.
The following sections of this essay examines 3 ratios that drive the look and feel of a circle packing grid:
Min-Max Diameter Ratio
Max Diameter Ratio
Min Diameter Ratio
Min-Max Diameter Ratio
The first ratio to examine is the min-max diameter ratio, which looks at the difference between the largest and smallest circles in the circle packing grid. This is perhaps the most important ratio to think about in designing a circle packing grid, because ratio alone can make a grid look like the pores in a section of foam (Figure 2a) to looking like soap bubbles (Figure 2d).
Max Diameter Size
The second ratio to examine is the max diameter size relative to the short side of image. In terms of perceptual impact and variety, this ratio is just as important as the min-max diameter ratio.
Min Diameter Size
The last ratio to examine is the min diameter size relative to the short side of image. This ratio largely drives the density of the circle packing. As the min diameter gets smaller, the circle packing grid becomes denser, and vice versa.
Lessons for Composition / TL;DR
Grids are a fundamental tool for controlling an image’s layout and composition. The circle packing algorithm is a non-traditional way of creating a grid for an image.
Circle packing is a basic algorithm that can be used to create “grids” for arranging objects on an image. This essay examined 3 circle packing ratios:
Min-Max Diameter Ratio
Max Diameter Size Ratio
Min Diameter Size Ratio
Varying the above 3 ratios will control the feel of the circle packing grid. The grid can range from just being many uniform looking circles to looking like abstract landscapes.
In additional to yielding visually different images, the above 3 ratios has a large impact of perceptual variety, which is an important factor to consider for long-form generative algorithms.
As the min-max diameter ratio increases, the diameter distribution gets increasingly fat tailed (i.e. power law). This means the circle packing grid can be used as a power law layout tool.